Environment and Toxics

It goes without saying that humans cannot live and have rights if there is no planet to live on.

It goes without saying that humans cannot live and have rights if there is no planet to live on. A clean environment is therefore essential for human health and well being, but human activity causing environmental degradation is compromising the air, water and soil we need to live. Pollution, rising air temperatures and sea levels, deforestation, unsustainable agricultural and fishing practices, destruction of ecosystems and loss of biodiversity, and overpopulation and overconsumption are profoundly affecting the quality of life of current generations. If these problems continue, their effect will impact future generations too.


Do they really want to know how we feel?

Climate anxiety and solastalgia are establishing themselves as new terms in psychology. This emotionality is becoming more and more palpable within the climate debate, but without receiving sufficient recognition. The immersive installation by photographer Frederick Herrmann aims to make this condition of the so-called Gen Z tangible.


If These Walls Could Talk: Mural Painting

Mural paintings inspired by the stories of children and young people in The Lawrence House, South Africa


The Red Cloud

This book aims to raise awareness on the issue of period poverty and stigma, increase accessibility of information, encourage conversation and empower readers through content such as reflective exercises, crowd-sourced stories, interviews and more.